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100+ Loops from the original Critter & Guitari Pocket Piano
24-bit 44.1KHz WAVs
Captured direct via UA Apollo X4


The Critter & Guitari Pocket Piano is a basic but powerful little analog synth. Now discontinued in favour of the digital “201 Pocket Piano”, this old version has a particularly warm sound.


Unfortunately, it can be a little tricky to find one second-hand these days, so I thought I’d create this pack to make some of what it does available to other musicians & producers.

I mainly use it for mid and high-octave parts like soft pads and rhythmic chords, cutting lead synths, and hypnotic arpeggiator parts.

This pack contains 12 loops for each of the main modes I use most on the Pocket Piano; Red, Light Blue, Green, and Purple, for a total of 48 unique loops. There’s also a small number of Extra loops for the Yellow & Indigo/Dark Blue modes.

Each loop also has two versions; a dry or “plain” un-processed version; these are the un-altered raw recordings of the Pocket Piano. Also included are “spicy” versions with my own intended FX processing - mostly stereo widening, reverb & delay.

I’ve included the plain, unaltered versions in case it’s preferred to use different FX and processing on the raw recordings.


Check out my Breakdown Video Here

Critter & Guitari Pocket Piano: LOOP PACK

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